Sunday, April 16, 2017

7 Steps for Establishing the Right Business Model

Most technical entrepreneurs focus hard on building an innovative product, but forget that an elegant solution doesn’t automatically translate into a successful business. Businesses require an equally elegant business model, with the right price, messaging and delivery channel to the right target customers to keep the dream alive and growing.

Defining the right business model requires the same diligence as designing the right product, but the approach and skills required are different. That’s why investors acknowledge that two co-founders are often better than one -- with one focusing on the technical solution, and the other focusing on defining and building the business model. These two jobs need to be done in parallel.

Friday, April 7, 2017

5 Valuable Concepts I Learned Working for a Multibillion-Dollar Firm

Plenty of entrepreneurs start a business so they can be their own bosses, but there’s something to be said about learning from world-class people. By working for an industry-leading company, you get to see firsthand what makes it so successful.

Before I started my own business, I spent time as an investor at Bain Capital. During my years evaluating investment opportunities, I observed how successful leaders interacted with employees, pursued new opportunities, contemplated customer satisfaction and responded to challenges.
I didn’t realize until later how valuable these experiences would be to my own future endeavors, but these lessons have stuck with me for years:

Saturday, April 1, 2017

5 Must-Haves for a Successful Logo

Before you start designing a business card or picking colors for the letterhead of your new business, you need a logo. Featuring your company name, embellished with a little color and perhaps a few graphic touches, your logo is the most important design element because it's the basis for all your other materials: stationery, packaging, promotional materials and signage.
Through the use of color and graphics, your logo should reflect the overall image you want your company to convey. It should give people a feel for what your company's all about.